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Sean Birdsong

Founder of Nothing But Net Sports


Sean Birdsong

Founder of Nothing But Net Sports


Sean Birdsong

An experienced professional in education, business and the sports industry, Sean
has gained valuable knowledge through the years as a former student-athlete
who understands the impact that mentorship can have on the next generation.
Sean attended Bonner Springs High School in Kansas where he played varsity
basketball from 1998-2002. In 2002-2004 he played collegiate basketball at
Highland Community College and completed his collegiate career at NCAA II
Lincoln University during the 2006-2007 season. Sean would go on to play
professionally in the CBA with the Atlanta Wolverines during the 2007-2008
season, and in the PBL with the Beltway Bombers during the 2009-2010 season.
After playing, Sean began coaching camps within the NBA and High school circuit
including with the Dallas Mavericks, Texas Legends, the NBA G-League Combine,
and two seasons at Blue Valley North High School in Kansas.
In 2015, he founded Nothing But Net Sports which programs provide a healthy
living for youth through the game of basketball and physical fitness. In 2016, he
founded American Ballers which mission is to enhance the lives of youth
educationally through the game of basketball. Sean has experience working with
youth in the behavioral healthcare field and special education in the school
Sean holds a B.A. in organizational leadership from MidAmerica Nazarene