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180 Series
180 Series

180 Series

180 is an explosive new series from TPUSA which brings the most influential voices in American politics together and challenges them to change the minds of Americans on a wide range of relevant, cultural topics. The series educates and empowers students with facts and statistics to combat misinformation on their campuses.

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180 Episodes

Graham Allen: Our Heroes Didn't Die For Socialism

Zoe Sozo: Why Abortion Is Anti-Science

Leyla Pirnie: Why Gun Control Makes Us Less Safe

David Harris Jr: Why God Belongs In Government

Amy Robbins: Why Women Should ALWAYS Be Carrying

Donald Trump Jr: Why Radical Leftism Is The New Fascism

Andrew Pollack: Guns Don't Create School Shootings, Leftist Policies Do

Kendall Jones: Why Hunting Helps Animals

Alex Clark: Why The Gender Wage Gap Doesn't Exist

Rob Smith: Why Gay Rights Are Gun Rights

Grover Norquist: Why You Are Paying Way Too Much In Taxes

180 Series Launching October 2nd!

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